Borgo di Castelvecchio

Medieval village in Val d'Orcia, ideal setting for weddings and conferences

Our medieval hamlet, the roots of which are intertwined with those of the castles and fortresses that overlook the valley of the Orcia river, the historical land of perpetual Sienese battles, is today a serine setting, ideal for exclusive events, including weddings, conferences and seminars..

The History

The first historical documents date back to 1279

In the heart of Val d'Orcia, a stone's throw from Radicofani, Pienza, and Montepulciano, the lands that make up Castelvecchio, once owned by the Bourbon del Monte, then by the Morelli, and today by the De Angelis Gaetani d’Aragona, have not changed from those depicted in an ancient topographic map proudly displayed at the top of the Villa's stairs


Agricoltural company

The crops remain the same as always, spread across 800 hectares, including fields and woods

We produce wheat, barley, oats, and alfalfa, not forgetting a small vineyard perfectly nestled among its crops and an olive grove with 1,500 plants. Castelvecchio is also enriched by a game reserve where, with specific shelters, one can admire pheasants, deer, roe deer, and wild boars


The Farmhouses

Every building is fully detached and provides the maximum comfort

The property of the Borgo di Castelvecchio includes a master villa with an Italian garden and six perfectly restored stone farmhouses furnished with antique Tuscan-style furniture, creating a sweet and refined atmosphere. From each structure, you can enjoy a breathtaking view that opens up across the entire valley


The History

Castelvecchio's history is intertwined with those... ➔


Agricoltural company

The Castelvecchio Agricoltural Company extends over 800 hectares, between fields and woodlands. It has a long history cultivating wheat, barley, fodder and alfalfa. Perfectly nestled within its... ➔
